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Corn Grower Photos Illustrate Power of H2OExcel

H2OExcel treated corn on left. Untreated on right.
H2OExcel treated corn on left. Untreated on right.

We are really excited for this year’s harvest! Growers around the country are sending us photos of their corn crops after using our natural water conservation agent H2OExcel, compared to their untreated crops. As you can see, the white corn treated with H2OExcel from a grower in Kansas is much larger and healthier than the untreated corn. In the second photo submitted by a grower in Illinois, the yellow corn treated with H2OExcel looks healthier, compared to the untreated corn which lacks the proper nutrients and nitrogen to grow to its full potential. For more information about starting a program using H2OExcel, visit or contact Tony Arro, Director of Sales – Specialty Products, at 618-628-8300 ext 24 or