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H2OExcel Recommended as a Seed Treatment to Jumpstart Emergence


Did You Know?

Using our natural water conservation agent H2OExcel™ as a seed treatment, the point at which you can get the earliest activity of the chemistry, can help crops emerge more quickly and evenly.

Did You Know This?

In early applications (at emergence), H2OExcel has been proven to support the early development of plants at a critical stage where photosynthesis has not yet fully started within the plants. This also sets the stage for the native microbes to begin coming out of dormancy earlier than normal. Even though plants have to begin photosynthesis, using H2OExcel as a seed treatment will help build up the amount of total available nutrients within the root zone so a plant can load up quickly when those processes begin.

* The recommended use rate for all crops is 4 ounces of H2OExcel per 100 weight of seed.

For more information and research on H2OExcel, visit or contact Tony Arro, Brookside Agra Director of Sales – Specialty Products, at 618-628-8300 ext. 24 or