As livestock producers you want to provide quality nutrition to your animals. You are interested in the welfare of your animals and you know that animal performance is paramount to the success of your livestock operation. You are aware that mold growth in feed will reduce animal performance because ...
Product Tips
H2OExcel™ Offers More Benefits to Soil Than Just Water Conservation
By: Ben Elliott, Soil Microbiologist/Brookside Agra Wonder how to sort through all the new chemicals and techniques on the market today for water conservation? Consider starting with the basics. We know we can't control how much water Mother Nature throws at us, and we understand how ...
ProMins™ Cooperate With the Animal’s Unique Mineral Needs
By: Dr. Kate Jackson and Dr. Fred Madsen How much confidence do you have that a “well-balanced” formula will meet the nutritional needs of the animal? Does this confidence level change during periods of stress, clinical and subclinical disease, growth spurts, or toxicity? Animal ...
Preventing Mold Growth on Feed in Winter
Have you ever opened a bag of feed that smells a little musty or put your hand in the feed bunk in the middle of the winter and the ration is too hot to touch? If the answer is yes to either of these questions, then there probably was a mold problem that was not addressed. In most cases, by the time...
Protocol for Effective, Odor-free Composting of Animal Carcasses
With increasing concerns over ground water contamination, aesthetics and expenses associated with traditional burying, burning and pick-up of animal carcasses, today's animal farmers are turning to a more acceptable, cost-effective method of carcass disposal - composting. Turning the carcasses of ...
Turf Specialist Recommends Natural Approach When Growing Fall Grasses
Most of us already know, whether you're a turf specialist or an enthusiastic gardener, that renovating and growing sustainable grass can be tricky... and even downright frustrating. James Rafferty, horticulturalist and owner of Lawn Wranglers of Belleville, IL , says using compost and a natural ...
Reduce Winter Desiccation Through Increased Water Absorption, Nutrient Load Prior to Dormancy
Winter desiccation, also known as winter burn, is a common type of winter injury that occurs in vegetation when the amount of water lost by chilly winter winds exceeds the amount of water the plant can draw up through its roots. The results are slow-to-green-up lawns or dead patches, perennial ...
Is There a Difference in Organic Trace Mineral Sources? The Answer is “In the Solution!”
By: Dr. Fred Madsen, Thomas Best and Dr. Kate Jackson An Organic Trace Mineral must be able to maintain its structure in solution at reduced pH levels to have any opportunity to survive the harsh environment of the gut and digestion. Introduction The study of the importance of ...